Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kit Cat's Team

I attended a care coordination training for parents a few months ago at Nationwide Children's Hospital. While at the training, I had to draw a map of who was all o Kit Cat's team.  Before I drew the map, I thought our team was rather small, but once I saw it all drawn out. I realized we had assembled a large team whose main goal was to ensure that Kit Cat is happy and reaches her full potential.

Kit Cat's team is made up of family, friends, Early Intervention, her school, therapists, teachers, doctors and online support. Family is her Dad, me, big sister Gracie, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  Friends are the few close friends that her father and I have and who understand Cat's diagnosis and are not part of the disbelievers that we have written off.  Early Intervention is Brooke, Lauren and Leslie who provide us with Play Project, service coordination and just to be there for support when we need it.  Kit Cat's school consists of her PT and OT therapists, and all of her classroom teachers, some of whom are trained Intervention Specialists.  The medical community provides Cat with her hippotherapy and speech therapy plus her wonderful pediatrician and developmental peds doctor who help us with everything in regards to Kit Cat.  Facebook has been an amazing supportive team for me and has been helpful in educating other members of our team that have had our backs since Cat was diagnosed.

If it wasn't for Kit Cat's team, I don't know where we would be right now. So, thank you all for believing in us and being there for us.


  1. What a great idea. Now, that I think of it, I don't think there paper large enough. Our team is growing too. So glad to hear you have a great team behind you :)

  2. I didn't realize just how big our team was until I drew it out. Now I think I need a poster board to draw it all out. Thank you for the support!
