Thursday, November 21, 2013

An ode to November

Kit Cat has been sick the majority of this week, which sucks because she turned 3 on Wednesday and has missed all of her therapies and preschool for this week.  I have also had to use more of my FMLA unpaid leave this week, so that puts a huge dent in my next paycheck too.  But I am glad that I have the FMLA in order to care for her and know that I still have a job to come back to.  It seems every October-April since Cat was 4 weeks old she has been constantly sick, whether it be her asthma, intestinal flu, pneumonia, RSV, and good ole sinusitis.  The doctor has called in an antibiotic for Cat in hopes that it will start to work and help her feel better in time for her birthday party on Saturday.

She did feel well enough before the fever came back on Wednesday to celebrate her birthday with Andy, me and Grace. She opened up one present and got distracted with the toy and did not care to open anything else.  This is typical for Cat and we have learned to hold Grace back and let Cat go out her own pace in opening her presents as she likes to explore new toys and books. If its clothes, she doesn't care and so we don't even wrap those anymore.  She got some new dress up stuff, books, some clothes and some Disney Fairy figurines. I think for the first time she had some idea that it was her birthday. Earlier in the day, we looked at baby pictures of her from the day she was born and I told her it was her. She pointed to the baby in the photos and said "Cat"!!!  She also identified Momma, Da Da, and Sissy aka Gracie.

Also in November, it was one year anniversary of Cat being diagnosed with Autism. Although I had some sad moments, I mainly reflected on how far she has come since that day. She plays with other kids sometimes when she didn't even acknowledge them a year ago. She answers to her name, she is starting to talk and she no longer has a receptive language delay.  She is no longer completely lost her in her own world, she is engaged in the real world and we celebrate everything about her from her flappiness when she is happy, to her telling us "Na Na" (her word for no) when we tell her to do something, and everything in between. She truly is a little miracle and is God's gift to us.