Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Communicating all the time and even telling us no and remembering Jeffrey

I know it has been a long dry spell since I last blogged. We lost my brother Jeffrey who had Downs Syndrome on November 23, 2013.  He was Kit Cat's special buddy and uncle. They were very close and she would sit on his lap and they would jabber back and forth having their own conversation and laugh at the rest of us.  He is now in a better place although Kit Cat looks for her Uncle Jeffrey, which she has just recently learned to say.  It is difficult to go on each day without him, but each day is a little bit easier as I see parts of him living on in Kit Cat, especially the stubbornness and orneriness.  Her toes curl over the top of each other just like Jeffrey's do and they even eat food the same way.  I can tell Jeffrey is her guardian angel and is helping to push her along.
Jeffrey and me at his 20th birthday.

Jeffrey and his baby Grace

Jeffrey and Kit Cat

 Jeffrey and Kit Cat
 Jeffrey and Kit Cat
Jeffrey and Cat

Jeffrey and Cat

 Jeffrey loved Nascar. Jeff Gordon was his favorite driver.
Cat putting the feathers on the Turkey at school.

 Cat doing some music therapy while playing a game at school.

Cat riding Sugie.

 Art time at school

Kit Cat is now up to over 50 words in her vocabulary and if she can't use the word to tell us what she wants she gestures to let us know.  She is also using her PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) binder at home and she has one at school. She is using it to make choices, to answer questions, to tell us more and all done and even yes and no.  She also tells us "na na" for no and "stop" when she doesn't want to do something that we tell her.  So she is even arguing with us, just like her big sister Grace.  I am so happy to see her communicate and it just makes my heart burst.

Cat is also starting to play tag and hide n seek.  She still loves her iPad and her tv shows, but is spending lots more time engaging with those around her, but on her terms.  We had her one year follow up with the developmental pediatrician, Dr. Solomon and he was astounded by her progress. He said she is on the verge of becoming high functioning autistic so we have to keep engaging her everyday on her terms and draw her out of her little world at times.

A year ago, I would have told people they were crazy if they told me then how much progress she has made.  She is a miracle each and every single day.