Sunday, July 13, 2014

The SPD Duo

My laptop is finally working and it has been an incredibly long time since I have blogged so I thought I would get to it since Kit Cat is occupied with my phone playing Minnie's Bowtique app.  I am sure that everyone is familiar with her Minnie Mouse obsession.  Well anyways, let's get to the main point about this post.

Sissy as Kit Cat calls her big sister has recently been diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder, so that makes for 2 little girls in our house with SPD.  It didn't really come as a shock as Andy and I had approached Cat's therapists about it since she had all of the classic signs of it.  She was terrified of loud noises, has major food aversions, meltdowns galore (more than Kit Cat) and is also a sensory seeker just like her sister.  Grace doesn't have autism as she has been talking since she was 10 months old among other things.  So Grace has started OT and will start doing hippotherapy through her sister's school on alternating weeks.

Now that we know there is reason for some of Grace's behaviors we have become more consistent with her and kept her on a fairly predictable schedule.  We have also gotten the girls a mini 48 inch trampoline and they jump all of the time on it and seems to help tremendously.  Now that I have had time to process it and knowing that it is on the mild end so I am ok with it.  Sure, some things in life can be challenging with both girls, but this way Grace feels like she is getting some of the same attention as her sister, although she is disappointed that she is not autistic.  Grace is still Cat's best teacher and has taught Cat so much.

I love my girls regardless of whatever label is put on them, because at the end of the day, they are just Grace and Cat, sisters and best friends forever.

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